ACMV & Smoke Ventilation

ACMV & Smoke Ventilation

ACMV & Smoke Ventilation

Advance Ventilation Solutions specializes in providing complete services for ACMV-Smoke Ventilation Systems. This includes designing, supplying, installing, modifying, repairing, servicing, testing, and maintaining these systems. We are Serving both public and private sectors in a wide range of environments including hotels, high-rise buildings, warehouses, stores, basement car parks, and kitchens.

  • Staircase and Lobby Pressurization

  • Lift and Shaft area Pressurization

  • Basement car Parking Ventilation

  • Warehouse & Kitchen Exhaust Fans and Ducts

  • Smoke Control Station Override Panel

Advance Smoke Ventilation Solutions

Advance Ventilation, a specialist division of Advance Technical Services, focuses on smoke ventilation systems. These systems are crucial life safety measures, designed to aid the safe evacuation of occupants during a fire and assist firefighters in containing the fire at its early stages. Mechanical smoke ventilation systems utilize powered components like fans to create airflow, enabling smoke to exit through dampers, grilles, and vents.

Carbon Monoxide Monitoring & Ventilation Systems

Our proficiency involves delivering services for the design, supply, installation, repair, servicing, and maintenance of CO system to provide simple and effective carbon monoxide detection and ventilation which is Capable of detecting low concentrations of CO, it automatically activates the building’s ventilation fans for enhanced safety.

  • CO System Installation & Maintenance

  • CO System Integration with Mechanical Ventilation